Record Springbok bagged by Side by Side Safaris client


Danish Dennis Knudsen, on a recent safari with us, successfully bagged an absolute top trophy of Cape Springbok. In the same area where this buck was shot, several bucks with trophies of potentially the same size have been observed.

We recently had the pleasure, for the third time, to arrange a safari for our Danish client, Dennis Knudsen. Dennis has previously successfully collected gold medal heads of Cape Springbok, a species he finds particularly challenging to hunt. In connection with a trip round the area in question, PH Bjørn Jensen, earlier observed this particular Springbok. Due to the unusually large set of horns, the buck was easily distinguishable from the other bucks in the herd. When Dennis Knudsen heard about this special buck, he immediately decided that he would like to try to bag this special trophy.

Springboks are gregarious animals that prefer wide open terrain. The animals are constantly on the move but usually stay around a core area where they feel safe. After three days of intensive hunting for the particular buck, Dennis was successful in bagging it with a perfect long range shot. The Springbok trophy has now been officially measured. The horns are the second longest ever collected by a Scandinavian hunter and the trophy places 24th in the SCI Book of Records.

On later visits to the grounds where the record buck was taken, PH Bjørn Jensen, has observed several other bucks with horns of the same category as the one shot by Dennis Knudsen. So, if your ambitions are to bag a top trophy of this handsome antelope, please contact us for further information. 


Swedish big game hunter visits Side by Side Safaris for the third time


New world record trophy taken by Side by Side Safaris client