Side By Side Safaris and Diana Taxidermy are sister companies, owned and operated by Lene and Flemming G. Jensen and their son, Bjørn. Through more than 30 years, award winning Diana Taxidermy was widely recognised as one of Europe's leading taxidermy businesses, supplying top-class taxidermy work to clients from many parts of the world. Sublime technical skills in combination with a very high artistic level are accountable for Diana Taxidermy's great success and fine international reputation.
Coincidentally with establishing Side by Side Safaris in Eastern Cape, the owners of Diana Taxidermy decided to move the business to South Africa. The taxidermy business now operates from a top modern, purpose designed factory located in the heart of the Klipplaat grounds, near Side by Side Safaris' safari lodge. Here they receive trophies for mounting from all parts of Africa as well as from Europe. Same very high standard that has made Diana Taxidermy widely famous but at much more competitive prices.
All key positions in the company are manned with Danish staff. Taxidermist Flemming G. Jensen and Lene Jensen personally handle all critical operations of the taxidermy work, supported by specially trained and very dedicated local staff.
Overseas delivery time is normally the same or shorter as if the trophies had been mounted in Europe. The trophies are very securely packed in sturdy wooden boxes, and all local and overseas shipping operations are handled by a carefully selected local forwarding agent.
In other words: Same high quality, same delivery time, but noticeably cheaper!