New Record: Largest Sable antelope ever collected by a Danish hunter


On a recent family safari, one of the highlights was the bagging of a record-class Sable antelope. The grounds where our clients hunt Sable are among the very best in South Africa for this beautiful and highly desired antelope – an ideal biotope with a strong gene mass which consistently produces record class trophies.

On this particular safari we were lucky – after hours of spotting from high vantage points – to locate a small group of Sable headed by a very strong bull. The animals were moving through a densely vegetated riverbed situated at the bottom of a large green valley. The dense undergrowth provided ideal cover for the animals, but at last we succeeded in getting the big bull free for a tricky chest shot through the opening between two acacias. After a fast 80-metre sprint, the bull collapsed.

The magnificent Sable-bull is probably the largest ever bagged by a Danish hunter – it is certainly a fantastic trophy, which ranks very near the top in SCI's Book of Trophy Records.

We provide 5-star accommodation at our Klipplaat lodge with a fantastic location and all modern conveniences, yet with the unique homely atmosphere, which makes Side by Side Safaris something special. Adding to this the large selection of huntable species and the consistently high quality of trophies we deliver, you know why Side by Side Safaris is the ideal choice for an exclusive family safari experience.


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