Woman hunter bags international Top-10 trophy


On a recent safari with Side by Side Safaris, Danish woman hunter, Helle Lyngsdal, bagged an exceptional Black Wildebeest bull. The trophy places 7th in SCI's book of all-times records.

Side by Side Safaris has access to hunting ground that offers ideal conditions for Black Wildebeest. As a result of these ideal conditions, the animals often develop horns that score well above the average. Black Wildebeest prefer open terrain with an unrestricted view all around. As a result they are often encountered in hilly country with open grass savanna. As the animals are normally constantly moving, this makes hunting Black Wildebeest both difficult and challenging.
This particular bull was part of a big herd which Helle's Danish PH, Bjørn Jensen, spotted over a great distance. After having looked the animals over for some time, they decided to attempt a stalk for the big bull. The stalk was successful, and Helle brought the bull down with a well-placed long-range shot.


Family safari with luxurious accommodation and hunting at a high ethical level


Swedish big game hunter visits Side by Side Safaris for the third time