Four friends on successful buffalo hunt with Side by Side Safaris

The black African buffalo is a prominent member of the "The Big Five" group of African game animals – and rightly so. Buffalo hunting is regarded by most professional hunters as the most exciting form of hunting with a rifle in Africa.

At Side by Side Safaris, we have made it our specialty to offer exclusive buffalo hunts to discerning hunters. We have handpicked some of the best locations for buffalo, locations where the genes of the animals and character of the biotope combine to consistently produce top-class trophies. On these hunts we co-operate with some of the most experienced professional hunters (PHs) in the country. These PHs assist us on all our dangerous game safaris, leaving nothing to chance in our clients' quest for the ultimate trophy.

On a recent safari, four hunting buddies had booked a buffalo hunt with Side by Side Safaris. The goal was to bag a massive old buffalo bull each. The hunt was conducted in a demanding terrain along densely overgrown riverbanks with a mountainous backland. After some exciting hunts and a joint effort by everybody involved, the four hunters were successful each in bagging an old buffalo bull with a medal-class trophy – four happy hunters who now awaits the final scoring of their hard-earned trophies.


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