Buffalo hunting in South Africa with Side by Side Safaris.


Throughout the last hunting seasons, a number of hunters from several countries have enjoyed the exciting buffalo hunts offered by Side by Side Safaris in South Africa. The hunting area is unique for buffalo hunting, offering steep mountains with thick bush to the more open classic savannah landscape. The buffalos in our big hunting concession travels daily long distances to feed on the best grass and drink at the best water holes. When hunting an old buffalo bull, we always set out at sunrise to check for fresh buffalo tracks at selected waterholes. Once fresh tracks have been localized, our skilled local trackers start the impressive and often long tracking work, approaching the heard of buffalos. By far the majority of our buffalo hunting takes place in the mountains, where the buffaloes often seek shelter in the hottest hours of the day. It can often take several days to get the right chance for an old buffalo in these mountains. The trophy quality in the area is incredibly high after many years of selective trophy hunting, and not least the high levels of minerals in the mountains, which is a great addition to the growth of the massive horns of the buffaloes. Trophies in the medal class are the norm for the buffaloes being hunted here. The latest of our buffalo hunters bagged a massive old buffalo, and it will soon be enjoyed in his trophy room (See photo).

Big game hunting in South Africa.

Buffalo hunting is still among the most demanded big game hunts among african trophy hunters. Side by Side Safaris offers hunting on the most big game in South Africa. For each buffalo hunt, we are always well prepared, as buffalo hunting is classified as "Dangerous Game" for a good reason. At all our big-game safaris, there are always minimum two professional hunters along on the hunt to ensure that the thrilling hunt takes place with top safety.


Specialist in luxury hunting safaris to South Africa.


Hunting Sable Antelope in South Africa – with Side by Side Safaris